Earlier today Bungie officially announced Destiny 2 after what feels like years of waiting! Last week a GameStop leak revealed a poster and it turned out to be legit. The release date on the poster was September 8th but that was in Italy. The 8th is also on a Friday and that would be in line with the past few Call of Duty games and that would make sense since Activision owns both properties.
We all knew it was coming but we weren't sure if was gonna be called Destiny 2 or what the details were gonna be. Well we know that we are going to start fresh with only our character carrying over. This imagine(above) shows a much darker tone and I'm hoping that means we are going to get a darker story. The Rise of Iron DLC was a darker DLC and I hope they keep that tone going into this and give us a solid story. Cause the story of vanilla Destiny was not great but left it open to expand.
The poster that was leaked said that a beta was on the way and I'm going to assume the beta will be in July since Bungie seems to have a thing with the number 7. There was also a Playstation box at the top so I'm guessing that means the exclusive content is staying with Playstation. I'm not surprised by that but I just hope that it's a 3 month exclusivity and not a year like it has been.
The popular theory of the story for Destiny 2 is that the Speaker is going to turn on the Guardians and that will be the downfall of the Tower and that's why fire is the theme of this game at the moment. I'm hoping they reveal a new big bad that isn't the Speaker and we fight him/her through the entire game and kill him in one of the Raids, but that's just me haha!
I honestly just want a new game that runs at 60 frames per second and the slew of new gear and guns and dedicated servers! Those may be high hopes but ya know haha! I'm also glad that Xbox 360 and PS3 are out of the picture so it can be designed for the current consoles and PC. I'm just glad we got a conformation finally!
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