My Top 10 Movies Of The Year So Far

Since Avengers: Endgame comes out this week I wanted to talk about some of my favorite movies that have come out this year so far. I'm thinking that Endgame will be in my top 3 so I wanted to give some of these movies some love cause I'm thinking that some on my list will not be on a ton of other lists out there. I also think this list will look very different at the end of the year. I just think it's interesting to see how lists like this can change as the year goes on.  I tend to like some movies that others don't and if you don't like some of the movies on my list then that's fine, just know that I did like them and I explain why I liked them. I don't want this post to be super wordy so let's get to the movies!

Honorable Mentions: Miss Bala, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, Fighting with My Family, Greta, Someone Great

10. Dumbo

I grew up watching the Dumbo animated movie but I was very hesitant with this movie. I know, like most people, I have been hot and cold with how Tim Burton has handled live action remakes over the years but I thought he nailed this one! They did stretch the story out and added some stuff but I thought it all worked. Seeing Dreamland brought to life was definitely a Wow moment for me. I thought the visuals were great and all the acting was on point, especially the kids! Danny Elfman's soundtrack was the star of this movie though, it might be one of his best soundtracks!

9. Happy Death Day 2 U

I wanted this movie to happen so badly and I was so happy with the direction they took and how it turned out! I know that if you just watch the trailer that it looks like a gimmick movie but it's a lot more than that! This movie, along with the first one, has some of the best writing and character development in the Horror genre, and I'll argue that! The overall plot of this movie isn't meant to be taken serious and it has some really clever jokes and the use of time travel is handled well. The character moments in this movie on the other hand can be very serious and they are so damn charming and I teared up at parts and I'm not ashamed! I need a third one!

8. Shazam!

I'm one of the few people that really liked where the DC movies were going and think it's a shame that we'll never get to see where Snyder was taking things but I'm a fan of this new look DC as well and this movie is probably the best one of the new bunch. Shazam is a character that is meant to be fun and this movie shows that well but keeps that DC darkness going with the villain. Zachary Levi was born to be this character and you can tell he's having so much fun and that is infectious. This movie gets super weird and creepy and I loved it for that! It shows respect to the movies before it and sets up some interesting stuff down the road.

7. Hellboy

This is probably going to be the movie that if you pay attention to critics and sites like Rotten Tomatoes you might question. I thought this movie was so damn fun and don't get the hate! I get that a lot of people wanted a third Del Toro movie but that's no reason to blindly hate this movie. Anyway, this movie is exactly what the trailers made it out to be. It's loud, violent, and metal as fuck! The gore in this movie is ridiculous and I loved it! It also has some of the best practical effects I've ever seen and it's so cool to seem those in a 2019 comic book movie. This version of Hellboy is more like he is in the comics and in Injustice 2. Hot Take: I think David Harbour is a better Hellboy than Ron Perlman.

6.  Captain Marvel

I'm a huge MCU fan and I had pretty high expectations for this movie and it met most of them! I didn't know a ton about Captain Marvel going in but this is a really good origin story while also being a great lead in to Endgame! Not only is this movie a great action movie but it has some amazing character moments. When she realizes who she is a breaks away from the control she's under, that's one of the best scenes in the MCU in my opinion. I also think this movie might have the best supporting cast of any super hero movie I've ever seen! Sam Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn are both amazing! By the end of the movie I believed Brie Larson was Captain Marvel and believed she was the biggest badass in the MCU!

5. Triple Frontier

I'm a sucker for movies like this! Stuff dealing with drug cartels is something I have always found interesting.This movie is basically a movie version of the game Ghost Recon: Wildlands and it worked for me. I thought the characters were interesting even though the plot was simple. The acting was good and there are some amazing shots in this movie. It takes it's time and gives all the characters reasons for doing what they are doing and it deals with serious issues as well. Like once huge amounts of money comes into play some characters change, and I know that's common, but they do it in an interesting way. It's on Netflix so I recommend checking it out if you haven't!

4.  Us

I like this movie a lot but I don't love it like some do. I wanted it this high because of how incredibly well it's shot and how incredible the acting is! Everyone does a good job but this is Lupita Nyong'o's movie and it's her best acting job in my opinion! The first half of this movie is one of the most interesting movies I've ever seen, it just didn't keep it going to me. The ending is predictable and confusing for the sake of just being confusing and I didn't care for that. The atmosphere this movie creates though is borderline genius and it's one of the beautifully made Horror movies I've ever seen!

3.  Glass

I know that a lot of people were disappointed with this movie but I loved it and got exactly what I wanted! I loved seeing all these characters finally come together and some of the late action scenes are very effective! The thing that I liked so much about the previous movies were the character moments and we got so many of those in this movie. Seeing them doubt themselves and slow down were my favorite moments. I thought the ending was great and made total sense and seeing the bigger picture was cool. I loved this movie even if that isn't the popular opinion!

2. Alita: Battle Angel

Going into 2019 I did not expect to love this movie as much as I did! I knew nothing about this character going in but I fell in love with this story/characters/setting and it all melded together and worked in a way that few movies do. The visual effects are stunning and this movie damn well better be up for an Academy Award for them! I get that the story has been done to death but I connected with these characters and went on a ride with this movie. I loved pretty much everything about this movie and we get that awesome Robert Rodriguez action throughout!

1. The Highwaymen

I love movies about history and I love crime movies and this movie hit both of those perfectly! The story of Bonnie and Clyde is an all time story for a reason and this just adds another layer to it. I loved seeing the other side to their crimes and just how vicious they were. The cast, the writing, the directing are all on point here and I loved everything about this movie. I didn't think a Netflix movie would have my top spot at this point of the year but here we are. This is a Best Picture nominee quality movie  to me but hey, what do I know! I also want to add that the Thomas Newman  soundtrack is amazing as well!
