Alright, this is just going to be a quick thoughts post on some of the opinions that I have on some things surrounding the Xbox Series X and PS5. Not the actual consoles themselves but how the pre-orders went and if more will be available on launch day. So my console pre-order fail story goes like this: I went to my local GameStop when they opened on Xbox Series X pre-order day. I brought my Xbox One X to trade in for $200 and get my pre-order in. I got to the store like 30 mins before they opened and there was like 30 people out there. About 3 mins before the store opened a guy that worked there came out and told us that they only got 6 in for pre-order. I thought that they would be limited but didn't think they would have less than 10! So I went home and tried my luck online but couldn't get one pre-ordered. I was not a happy boy that day. I didn't try to get the PS5 cause Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the only game launching on it that I want to play and it's coming out on PS4 as well so I'll just play it there and get a PS5 later. So my pre-order day went bad!
So here we are about 3 weeks before launch and there are so many people like me who tried to get a pre-order in and couldn't. Microsoft said they will have some at launch but no word of any more pre-order days and Sony hasn't said much at all about their launch day but I'm sure they will have some. Now the big question is how many are the sites and stores actually going to have for launch day. Cause if my GameStop got 6 Xbox Series Xs for pre-order I'd kinda they will only get like 10-15 in on launch day. I could be wrong but that's my guess. Now if that happens I think that's gonna be a big problem.
To me the problem is going to be centered around Microsoft and Sony sending streamers, people on YouTube, and gaming sites free consoles. Now that kind of stuff has been going on for a long ass time and I get that it's marketing. But if the consoles are super limited at launch then who are they marketing to? Cause if I go on launch day to try and get a Series X and come up short then I'm prob out of luck till sometime in 2021. And I'm guessing that a lot of people will be in that spot. So all these people were sent free systems and we are sitting there trying to buy one at full price and can't. And this isn't a money issue, it's an availability issue!
Now some of these big sites and people need to get them in my opinion to let people know how they operate and even say that it's fine to wait on them for now cause there isn't much to play exclusively on them. But when gaming sites are sending multiple people systems that work at the same site...why? Or when a couple or brother/sister YouTube/streamers both get one...why? I'm really not trying to sound like a jealous prick and if I am coming off that why I'm not meaning to. I'm just curious what that's doing when people had this much trouble pre-ordering them. Are they saying that this person getting a free one is more important than someone getting one and paying full price for it?
Now if launch day for these consoles comes around and we can all go online and order one or walk into a store and get one no problem then this is all for nothing. I hope me complaining about this is going to end up being nothing but I have a feeling it's going to be something. I guess we can all just go to Taco Bell and Burger King for now and try our luck there!
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