I used to be a big Call of Duty person and was always excited to get the new games! I kinda fell off the series the past few years though. I played the campaign for WW2 and played a bit of multiplayer but didn't play it long. The last game that really grabbed me was Black Ops 2. I probably put 400-500 hours into that game and got decent at it. I've played all the campaigns of all the games since, outside of Infinite Warfare, and liked them for the most part. I know I've talked a good bit about the campaigns to the CoD games so this is an interesting one for me to be interested in since they cut the single player out. I played the multiplayer beta and came away really impressed and was even more impressed with the Blackout beta! So I got this game the day it came out and I've put a decent amount of time into it. It's broken up into 3 modes so it makes sense that I talk about each of them individually. I'll cover Multiplayer, Zombies, and Blackout!
I love the multiplayer this year! It gets back to the feeling of Black Ops 2 but throws in a little Destiny with it. The specialists from Black Ops 3 are back but they all have new abilities this time around and they work like a super in Destiny. I really like Destiny 2 and playing the Crucible so this is right up my alley of what I want. I totally get that if you want old-school CoD then this might not be for you but if you like Destiny then chances are you'll dig the multiplayer this year.
There's something about gun progression in a CoD game that just hasn't been topped yet. It's so simple: the more you use a gun, the more upgrades/skins you get for it. I've played on all the maps and they all feel/look good, especially the throwback maps. Summit is one of my favorite maps of all time and it's so cool to see it in this game! They have the pick -10 system that they've had for years and it's still the best way to have a class setup in my opinion. There's honestly no better feeling in online play than going on a kill streak and seeing all those medals pop up, level up a gun, and gain a level all in one go. It sets off those endorphins like crazy for me!
I overall think this is the direction that I wanted Cod to go with it's multiplayer. The specialists abilities are all varied enough and useful that playing as any of them can be fun. I would like to see guns unlock a bit faster but other than that I've really enjoyed it. I also want to mention that Control has a lives limit on it now. Each team has 30 lives and you can win a round by taking out everyone or capturing both points. Just wanted to point that out because that's a big difference. And there is a new mode called Heist that is basically Counter Strike that's...not my thing but see how people could love it.
I'll admit this right off the bat, I've never been a zombies guy. I respect the mode and that people go crazy about it but it's just never grabbed me. I played this mode a bit but I've honestly only messed around with it at this point. I do like that you can play with bots, play by yourself, or matchmake. It can get so tough and complicated that I can't imagine doing this mode by yourself but if you want to it's an option.
Adding the Titanic as a level is clever and all the zombies look like they just walked out of the movie with their clothes and the layout is interesting. I do think that IX is a cool level with you starting out in a gladiator area and adding time travel to it is kinda nuts. Based on the reveal and the cutscene to the IX level you'd think you were going to fight with melee weapons but you just use guns and that's a little disappointing. They also added a Rush mode where you just kill zombies and don't have to bother with all the puzzle solving. It's fun and a smart evolution of the mode. The characters seem colorful and have witty dialogue while playing. I honestly don't know how much I'll play this mode but we'll see I guess. If you have liked it in the past then there's a ton of content for you here.
Alright, this is the big daddy mode that everyone is talking about! If you don't know, yes, this is Call of Duty's version of Battle Royale and it's amazing! The only Battle Royale games I've played have been H1Z1 on the PS4 and I finally messed around with Fortnite when it came to the Switch. I'm not sure why it took Fortnite coming to the Switch for me to finally give it a try but that's whatever I guess! I enjoyed both but it just didn't grab me like it seemed to grab millions of people this year.
So on to this style of the game mode! It's a huge map and it plays like CoD, it's so fun! At the time of me writing this the player count is 88 but they have said they want to hit 100 at some point cause they did in the beta. It runs very smooth and holds a steady frame rate for it to look as good as it does! It's nice to be able to use vehicles in a CoD game again and they handle the way you think will, very smooth! This mode obviously isn't for everyone cause when you die you're out of the match and that can be frustrating. Getting back in a game is fast though seeing all the people playing right now.
You can create a custom character or unlock the multiplayer specialists and zombie characters. They also have classic Black Ops characters to unlock as well. The customization is pretty limited at the moment but I have a feeling they will add more as time goes on. A cool thing they have on the map are beams of light that has a mystery box surrounded by zombies. Kill the zombies and you have a shot at a cool weapon and that includes the one-shot-kill ray gun!
I'm kinda blown away how impressed I am with this years game! Yeah I miss the single player, cause I always enjoy playing them, but I get what they were going for and it worked! I do want to say that they have a training mode called Specialist HQ and it does have some story to it and is pretty well done! It feels very Overwatch and gives some backstory to the characters. I know that I have showered this game with praise but that's because I think they did it this year! They have a multiplayer that's very fun, a solid content packed zombies mode, and a Battle Royale mode that will challenge Fortnite as the top game in that genre! I think this is the best CoD in years and I hope they keep going in this direction, just maybe have a campaign again at some point cause people like me do legit like those. This will be a game in my top 10 of 2018 and I did not think that it would be!
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