Thoughts on Destiny 2: Warmind

I totally get that a lot of people have given up on this game since Curse of Osiris was a bit of a letdown. I thought Curse was fine but that it didn't add enough to keep people playing for long enough. The story was solid and finally getting to see Osiris was cool even if it was for a few scenes. The vast majority of people did not like it and swore off Destiny 2 after it came out. I don't think this dlc will bring all those people back but I really enjoyed Warmind.

The story is interesting and it was cool to go back to Mars. It doesn't really look or feel like Mars did in the first game and that's a good thing. It feels about as big but theres a lot more going on. Ana Bray is an interesting character and learning that she is the sister of the Stranger is a cool secret they hid. The main story missions will only take about 2 hours to beat, so it's very short. Even though that doesn't seem like much content there's plenty to do after. Getting to learn about Rasputin is interesting and getting to finally see him was nice since we have heard about him a good bit since the first game. The boss of the dlc is a worm-god named Xol and the fight with him at the end is kinda awesome! The enemies are basically frozen Hive and fighting them is fun and seeing the ice shatter as they fall never gets old! The new base level is 30 but you'll hit that by the time the story is done.

The big thing about this dlc releasing is the update that came along with it. The update brought enhanced exotics, ranked crucible, Heroic Strike modifiers, and a thing called the Prismatic Matrix. The Heroic Strikes having modifications is something that was baldy needed! The cool thing about this is that the mods rotate everyday so it gives a good reason to keep coming back to them. The Prismatic Matrix is a little complicated but it boils down to the Eververse having a matrix with 10 items in it. That can range from ships, sparrows, emotes, and ordainments. You get a thing called a Prismatic Facet to use and you get one of the items. You get them by leveling from the well-rested perk every week. It's a checklist so you won't get repeats and the matrix resets every week.

The ranked Crucible matches is a cool addition. There are 2 different ranks that you can attain: Valor and Glory. Valor is the standard ranking you can get by just playing in quick play. It goes up the more you play with no win/loss penalty. Glory on the other hand only goes up from wins and can go down from losses. Glory is the former competitive game modes. There are new weapons and armor ordaments to get from playing so it's def worth your time to play. There's also an exclusive pulse rifle called Redrix's Claymore that can only be gotten by hitting the rank of Fabled in the Glory games. That's not max level but it's still gonna take a while to get it since it's based on winning and losing.

Now, I want to talk about the exotics! My God this is how all of these guns should've been at the launch of Destiny 2! Not all of the guns got touched with this update but a good bit of them did. The Graviton Lance is the main one that everyone wanted to use after seeing a video that Bungie released a few weeks before the dlc hit. It is still a pulse rifle but only shoots 2 shots and those explode and that gun is great for crowd control and was honestly hard to go away from. The Crimson finally feels like a great gun and the Skyburners Oath has heat seeking rounds when firing from the hip. Some of the guns also got a Masterworks version but you have to get a Catalyst to drop to get the Masterwork version. It tells a general spot that they may drop per gun in there descriptions. Some drop from strikes, some from Nightfalls, some from the Crucible, and some are just random from killing enemies.

I do need to talk about some negatives though. There is a new mode/patrol called Escalation Protocol that you need to be around 370 Power to have a chance to finish. It's 7 rounds and can have up to 9 players in a single one. The problem isn't the activity, I think it's fun and a needed thing, but the extreme difficulty is an issue. See, you can only go into a patrol with 3 people and it's damn near impossible to get past one round with that many. So you need to hope there are more random people in the area or go though some loopholes to try and get more than 3 people there. I know the new raid lair is recommended Power 370 and the boss is 380. I haven't played it yet but at the time of writing this not a ton of teams have beaten it. Just to give some perspective you will be around 345 when you beat the story and do all the side stuff. The grind to level up is vanilla Destiny level hard and I'm not sure I like that. I get putting hard content in but that's a bit much for those you can't play a ton during the week. Also, the Heroic Strikes are 350 and drop lower level gear for some reason. So it's more than likely gonna take most people around a month or so of doing the weekly milestones and getting powerful engrams to hit those high levels.

I overall think this is a solid expansion but it's nothing groundbreaking or anything. The exotic gun changes are close but even those aren't gonna bring people back. Whatever the big expansion is in September could bring a ton of people back but as of now, this is a good dlc and worth checking out if you still enjoy the base game. Bungie is listening and changing stuff and I do think by the time September rolls around Destiny 2 will be an amazing game, just like with the first Destiny. I just hope whatever they do beyond that stays on this course and not go backwards again.
