Thoughts On Far Cry 5

One of my favorite open-world games of recent years is Far Cry 3, so I went into Far Cry 5 with high expectations. I like Far Cry 4 fine but wasn't in love with like I was with FC 3. Seeing all the trailers for FC 5 and seeing them going the religious cult angle was super interesting. I also loved that we were gonna get a FC game that actually took place in the U.S. I played the game on a PS4 Pro with 4K HDR just give some context. So what did I overall think about FC 5...It's really good!

The thing that I think this game gets so right is it's atmosphere! It takes place in Montana and it's gorgeous! It really has this lived in feel to it. Like walking into houses you can tell that people live there and the wildlife is nuts! You'll be talking to an NCP and a bear will just run up and start attacking everyone! It can be annoying sometimes but wild animals would really do that kind of stuff if they lived around people firing guns at each other all the time. The world seems a tad smaller than it was in previous games but it also feels more fleshed out with details.

The thing that makes this game stand out is the Seed family. It kinda has a Resident Evil 7 thing going on with a crazy family that you have to take down thought out the entire game. I thought that John and Jacob were both cool but Faith was the one that stood out to me. She has a drug called Bliss that she uses to manipulate people's mind and every time you meet with her it's under the influence of it. So this angelic music is playing and she is flying all over the place as she talks to you and it just works! Joseph Seed is also a great main villain! You see him through the entire game and I believed he was able to get all these followers to do his bidding. The acting and writing around him is great! I won't spoil anything here but man...that ending is amazing!

A really interesting thing about this game is how you get side quests. It's not like a lot of Ubisoft games where you climb a tower to reveal the map. The map is fogged over until you go to a place or it is revealed but you talk to NPCs and they tell you where the side stuff is. So it's kinda like in Skyrim and I really liked that. It encourages exploration for the first in a while for the series. And the Specialists are a cool addition as well! You get missions in every region that unlocks a companion that you can use to help you out. I like the dog, Boomer, cause he can scout out locations and even bring you ammo! Sharky is prob the most fun to have around though because my God he says the most random stuff! He uses a flamethrower so things can get kinda messy with him around.

I've never been big on the driving in the FC games and that doesn't change here. It just feels so all over the place and that was fine in the other games but there aren't a ton of cars in this game for some reason. So if you total your car then you may have to walk a while or just fast travel to get another. I also thought the gunplay seemed a tad off compared to the other games. It's not bad or anything but I just felt more inaccurate in this game. The crafting system is also gone and I think that's for the best cause that got kinda tedious. You just put skills points into what you want upgraded. The only things you can craft are bombs and stuff like that.

I want to touch on Arcade Mode a tad here. I really don't care for it! The single player part of it is basically player-made levels that you can complete or fails and you level up from doing them. You have to play some of them to get a trophy. There's also a multiplayer's kinda weird. I played a few matches and it felt like a less polished Call of Duty. The interesting thing about all that is that the main game has co-op but not matchmaking, but you can playing multiplayer in Arcade with matchmaking. There's a co-op trophy that's kind of a pain since it has to be someone you know and I don't get that. Let people like me just get someone random to do a few missions with and get the trophy. That's how it was in Ghost Recon:Wildlands and it was appreciated.

The game does have micro transactions in it. I honestly can't imagine people buying them though. And not because they are overpriced or ridiculous things, but the guns/outfits you get aren't more powerful and you can just buy all the clothes with in game money anyway. You can buy them for the Arcade mode and I guess if people get addicted to that and don't feel like doing missions in the main game to get money they could just buy credits. I really don't know why they're in there but it's a whatever with those in this game.

So I overall think that Far Cry 5 is a very fun game but it's not gonna change your mind about the series. I liked the story and characters but felt the gunplay was off a bit and that held it back a bit to me. I also wasn't a huge fan on you playing a silent protagonist. You do get to customize a character but, it's a first-person game so it's not a big deal. I do recommend picking it up if it looks fun to you and there's gonna be a ton of DLC for it as well and it looks kinda crazy! It also has the best into in the series and that's amazing in it's own right seeing how the other games started!
