I've been playing the Destiny 2 Beta for the past two days and wanted to give my thoughts on it before the open beta starts up Friday. I played as a Titan and a Hunter so I can give my thoughts on those classes cause those were the classes I played as in Destiny 1. I'm not a Warlock guy haha! I'll probably have a Warlock class when the game comes out in September just to have one so I can do raids and stuff for more loot. Before I get into this too much I want to say that I played on a PS4 Pro so I can only speak to that version.
The Beta has one story mission, one strike, and two Crucible(Multiplayer) modes and maps. The story mission is the same one that has been shown a ton in the coverage so far. It's the opening mission of the game showing the Cabal invade the Tower and the Last City. It has a bit more to it than what has been show so that was cool. It's a great mission and I hope that shows that the story is going to be a bigger deal than the first. Cause they've said it will be and they've also said that some people may think that the game may have "too much" story and, for me, that's a great thing!
The Strike, The Inverted Spire, is the best thing in this beta! It has brand new mechanics and enemies. The boss is tough and is a very interesting fight! I had to fight him a few times to learn the mechanics of the fight and I was so glad that he wasn't just a bullet sponge. I don't want to go into the details of the strike cause I want people to experience it for themselves but just know that it's one of the cooler strikes I've ever played in Destiny!
The multiplayer modes are Control and Countdown. If you haven't played Destiny before, Control was in the first game and Countdown is a new mode. Control has you capture points and countdown is a capture the flag/elimination type mode. I prefer Control but that's what I mainly played in the first game. The time to kill is definitely longer in the multiplayer and grenades no longer kill instantly. There isn't any more heavy ammo for rocket launchers or heavy machine guns. Power ammo is the new type. It includes all the heavy weapons like launchers and machine guns but they added sniper riles, shotguns, and fusion riles into that category. Not having a shotgun as a secondary weapon still feels weird but it's an interesting change. The other big change is that all game modes are 4 v 4 instead of 6 v 6. The maps in the beta are pretty small so I couldn't tell much of a difference there. I never had an connection issues so maybe having smaller teams helps with that. I had fun with the Crucible but it does feel different and I'll have to get used to it once the game comes out. I will say that people seem to be playing more as a team so maybe the player change will be for the better in that regard.
The new Titan subclass, Sentinel Shield, is really fun! It's so cool to throw the shield and see enemies disintegrate! I also like that you can tap L1 and R1 to get the shield and you hold them to get the bubble. The bubble is bigger and looks great! I know that the look of it isn't a big deal but after seeing the same one for three years it's nice to see a new one! The new Hunter subclass, Arcstrider, is kind of amazing! It reminds me of Arc Blade from the first game but seems more deadly. You can jump in the air with it and slam down for an area effect and dudes disintegrate and it's so cool! I like when enemies disintegrate in Destiny if you can't tell! The new subclasses are fun and a cool change up if you're tired of the older ones.
The weapons system has changed as well. You have Kinetic Weapons in the first slot, Energy Weapons in the second, and Power Weapons in the third. So what that basically means is that you can have any combination of auto rife, scout rifle, pulse rifle, sub machine gun, and hand cannon that you want in the first two slots. So if you want to rock two hand cannons then you can! I think that's a great change up and gives us the ability to have whatever guns we want to use and not have to have a specific gun in a specific slot. The Power Weapons are certain guns but the other two can be whatever.
I overall enjoy the beta but it's just more Destiny. It controls really well and looks great running in 4K. You can't customize much and the loot drops are minimal but it's a beta so that's fine. If you liked the first game then you'll love this and if you never played the first game then this is a solid taste of what Destiny is. The open beta is free so I highly recommend downloading it to just check it out. Now we wait till September 6th to see what the full game has going for it! I'm personally stoked for it!
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