Before I start this I just wanna say that there's going to be some strong language here and if you don't like that then you may not want to read. If you're cool with that then let's get to it.
So I know a lot of people watch shows like The Walking Dead and Mr. Robot and praise them when they're good and criticize them when they don't like an episode. I watch those shows as well and I'm one of those people that usually likes every episode because I see every episode as character development even if the overall story doesn't progress much. I have another issue with shows like those. If you watch these kind of shows on TV when they air, or record them and watch them later, you are seeing a different version of them in my opinion. If you wait until they are streaming on certain services or buy the seasons on iTunes or bluray then you get the version that the creators wanted to make but couldn't put on air. Let me explain a little bit.
Let's take the season 6 finale of The Walking Dead with the Negan reveal. The version I watched on TV was very different from the version on the bluray. He says fuck about 15-20 times during that scene on the bluray. So...why is that? Cause they obviously had to film the scene two times. My guess is because they wanted the one with the cursing to be the way it was meant to be seen but you can't say fuck on AMC. Cause Negan is the most intimidating villain introduced in the series so far and the scene was meant to intimidate Rick's group and that's just his character to curse that much. Mr. Robot has the same way. I didn't watch the first season when it aired but I know that they didn't say fuck on any episodes either cause, again, you can't say on fuck on USA. And there are plenty of other shows that do this as well, I just wanted to give a few examples.
I also feel I need to give my take on censored entertainment in general. I hate it haha! Say you watch a rated R movie on TNT or Comedy Central, then you haven't actually seen the movie in my opinion. Cause not only to they edit curse words out but they also cut the length of the movie to fit in the time slot. The only way I really watch those versions of movies is if I've already seen it. I also can't stand edited music! Like on the radio and when artists make edited versions of songs or albums so their singles can play on the radio. Let's take Ariana Grande's song Side to Side. That song is about having sex and was being played all over the place in 2016. Now I like that song and I love her, but it's about fuckin and people seem cool with that being played everywhere but you cut those curse words out haha!
So my point, having said all of that, is that I don't understand why these shows can't just show the uncut versions when they air on TV. The shows are rated TV-MA which is the same as an R rating when it comes to movies. One weird thing with TV rating is the TV-14 rating which is technically one up from the PG-13 rating with movies and you can't say things on those shows that can be said in the movies! It's kind of a confusing mess if you sit down and think about it. I really think we should be at a point that these shows can say words like fuck when they originally air. To me it's limiting the creative process and it's not giving the people that just watch them on TV the real version of these episodes. Cause I'm pretty sure every episode of Mr. Robot that I've watched has said fuck at least once and I've seen the entire first season and few episodes of the second.
I just wanted to write a short post with my thoughts on this cause it's become a things now and it's just weird to see. Especially with HBO and Showtime airing their shows the way they were meant to be seen. Could you imagine Game of Thrones being censored for cable TV and how much they would have to hold back until the season came out on bluray or streaming? It would be a completely different show! I get that those are movie channels and are considered premium channels but still. I think this is an issue and I hope we get to a point that they just slap a TV-MA on there and mean it.
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