The way I'm going to review

So, I thought I would briefly describe the way in which I review movies/games. I review based on what the movie/game is trying to do and who they are aiming for. So, a horror film will be reviewed differently than a drama. An action game will be reviewed differently than an RPG. I try to see the good in everything even if it is terrible. Some reviewers I see/read just have a beef with everything that comes their way and rarely give good reviews. If I have fun with a game, regardless the length or genre, i'll give it a good score. If I enjoy a movie, i'll give it good. I will go back and do reviews of older games/movies just for the hell of it as well as new ones. My scale is out of 5. I like this scale because if something gets a 3/5, that sounds better than a 6/10. I'm not trying to sit on my high horse on my reviews, so I will be fair to the product.

Thanks for reading, i'm going to try and have new material as often as I can.  


  1. Can we request game/movie reviews?

  2. I vote for you to review that new Mickey game. I want to get it but I'm afraid to get it if it's going to be a junky game.


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