My 7 Most Overrated Games This Generation

I know my posts are normally about things I like and I have a positive outlook on things even if I'm not in love with something. I kinda thought I'd change that up a bit and talk about some games that I feel are a bit overrated. Now I don't want to make it sound like I hate these games cause it's actually the opposite, I like most of them and actually really like others. I wouldn't say that I love any of these games but I do love parts about some of them. So this isn't a totally negative post but more of a "Hey, I don't love everything I play" kind of one. Now there are some huge names on here and I stand my opinions of them. Some ground rules first: No remakes or remasters, had to come out this generation, and I had to have played them. I say those things because if I could I would put Skyrim on this list cause boy I think that game is overrated but...that's for another time. For now, let's talk overrated games from this gen! 

7. Inside

I played this game during the course of one evening in a single sitting and I feel that games like this are best done that way. I enjoyed it even though I was confused with what was going on by the ending. The game is gorgeous and has a dark tone that I liked but...I don't think it's this masterpiece that people have label it. The puzzles were very simple and it comes off as more of an experience than a game. I know that the people that loved it liked how deep it got with messages but I guess I'm just dumb cause I had to look stuff up to understand it. The ending it crazy but not in a way that blew me away kind of interesting just more of a "Oh...what the hell is this" kind. It's a good game but I just didn't see it as this amazing game that so many have. 

6. Just Cause 3 

This was my first game in the series to play and the stuff I saw about it looked awesome! The reviews and websites made it sound like this Saint's Row style of a playground game and everything explodes. And they were right about everything exploding but, for me at least, that's where my interest in this game started and stopped. I'm not one to call a story awful but man the story sucks in this game! Instead of a Far Cry level villain this game just has a generic bad guy and you hurt him by taking territory. The shooting mechanics aren't great, the driving isn't great, and even the traversal stuff is meh. A big thing people love about this game is parachuting everywhere and using the wing suit. I just found those to not control well and felt like I wasn't fully in control. The game is very pretty though, so there's that. 

5. Wolfenstein: The New Order 

It's weird that I love FPS games but this was my first Wolfenstein game. The story really surprised me cause I was thinking it would just be a background thing to get me from one place to another to kill more Nazis. A lot of character depth and interesting character motivations and the writing was very solid. Now, the reason I have this game on the list is because of the gameplay. The gameplay is fine but the guns have this kind of lightness to them that I didn't like. Like I'm duel-wielding shotguns and blowing dudes away but I didn't feel any weight to the shots. I'm not expecting The Last of Us levels of gunfire but something at least to the weight of a Call of Duty game. Plus, the game is a bit long and I was kinda done with it before it ended. Awesome ending though and the sequel is amazing! 

4. DOOM (2016) 

Alright, hear me out. I have the platinum trophy for this game and have played through it 2 times and enjoyed both. This game did justice to bringing DOOM back in a way that pretty much pleased everyone. My issue when talking about this game is the pedestal people put this game on. I have heard relevant people call this game perfect and praise the story as being something that is more than just dumb fun. I get that there is a decent amount of lore going on but that doesn't mean it's amazing. It's fine but calling it more than that is a bit much for me. And on the gameplay side of things I wasn't hot on the platforming stuff. The platforming controls fine but it reminded me of Duke Nukem Forever in that sense. If you haven't played that, first off don't, but that game has so much platforming in it to be a game about just shooting things in the face. Going for 100% has you doing way too much platforming that it gets kinda dumb. I overall think this game is good dumb fun, just not one of the best of this gen! You can really like a game and feel it's overrated and that's how I feel about this one. 

3. Red Dead Redemption 2 

Well, this isn't gonna make me very popular but I think this game is a bit overrated. Now, I think it's overrated in some departments, not all. The story, characters, world, and attention to details in this game are amazing. It's possibly one of the greatest pieces of western fiction I've ever experienced. I got very attached to Arthur and thought where they went with him was amazing. My issues come in when you actually have a controller in hand and you are playing this game. The shooting mechanics are fine but a huge step back from GTAV. Horse riding is fine but not amazing and my God the survival game aspect of this game can be so annoying. Keeping up with the cores you have doesn't seem like a big thing but it got on my nerves. This game got added to Xbox Game Pass recently and I went back to it with my post game save to maybe try out Red Dead Online since it just had an update. So I went into the single player to get used to the game again and I had a "God Damn I hate the way this game controls" kind of moment and that was that. I can't stress enough how impressive this game is on so many things but the act of controller in hand, I can't call this a fun game to play. 

2. The Wither 3: Wild Hunt 

Well let's just have 2 of the biggest games of the generation back to back! I don't want to repeat myself a ton but once again this game does so many things amazing but when it comes to the playing a video game part of this game, I don't love it. I'm not sure there is a richer story, world, or characters in recent fiction that are as deep as all those are in this game. Everything you do has purpose and is written so well and that's so rare to have side quests be so memorable. And the world in this game kinda takes on a life of its own in a way that very few games I've ever played have. Now, the combat............I don't like. It has a loosness to it that feels like I'm just swinging around all over the place and looks as weird as it is to control. The magic is cool and has a nice feel to it so I'll give it that. It does have a deeper system tied to it that you need to use on harder difficulties with potions and blade oils but I didn't really get too involved with all that. Horse riding in this game sucks! Like it's some of the worst I've ever played, especially now that I've played Ghost of Tsushima which might have the best! I don't want to keep saying too many negative things about this game cause I know some consider this game one of the best ever made but I'm just not there. I liked it quite a bit but I have tried coming back to it several times after my first play though and I drop off after a few hours cause I just can't with the way this game feels to play. I am looking forward to this teams next game, Cyberpunk 2077, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worried about how the game is gonna feel to play. 

1. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor 

Destiny, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Alien: Isolation, The Evil Within, and Sunset Overdrive all came out in 2014, the same year this game came out. The amount of people I have heard over the years saying that this game was their game of the year in 2014 and it wasn't even close blows my mind! I like this game, it's really fun, but really? I love The Lord of the Rings movies, love the Batman Arkham games, and love Assassin's Creed so this game seemed like it was made for me. The gameplay is very fun and the visuals are solid. They did a good job capturing Mordor and the characters all made sense since this was an original story in that universe. The nemesis system is awesome and it still makes me wonder why more games didn't copy that in the years after but whatever! Outside of those things I think everything else in this game is mediocre or straight up bad! The story is not good at all, the final boss is literally a quick time event, and the dlc they released is all kind of meh. I'm not really sure what this game got chosen to be the golden child that year but it did and I'll be honest, Assassin's Creed Unity came out this year too and I liked that game better than this one. AC Unity is a good game that you should go back to if you decided to shit on it back then. And I also think that Shadow of War got shit on for the micro transactions when it launched and got deemed a bad game cause of that. To me, Shadow of War is a better game in every aspect to this one! Much better story, cool version of Shelob, a lot of nemesis enemies, and and actual fight with the final boss with a really cool/different kind of ending! Just my opinion though! 
