Thoughts on Resident Evil 3 Remake

Well it's been a minute since I've done on of these. With all that has been going on lately my mental health took a dip for a while but I'm good now and I want to try and get back to writing more. I have played Final Fantasy 7 Remake as well so expect one of these for that game as well. Now that's out of the way let's talk a bit about RE3.

I never played the original game in 1999 but I knew it was more action focused than RE2 and this game is definitely more about action that RE2 Remake was last year. And by more action I mainly mean that you get more ammo and you shoot more than solve puzzles. I've played through the game three times now and I think there's like two puzzles in the entire game and one is optional. I know that some will not care for that but I liked it. RE2 had a good bit of puzzles and I liked the different feel of this one. Since it's done in the same RE Engine it looks just like RE2 did and by that I mean it looks amazing! I played both games on Xbox One X and they looked/ran flawless. It's my understanding that they run that way across the board but I'm not 100% on that. So what did I overall think of it? I liked it a lot! Like, I think I might prefer this game over RE2 and that was in my top three games last year.

Let's talk about the story and setting first. The story focuses on Jill and her aftermath of the Mansion Incident from RE1. You can tell she is still not over it with her dreams sequences she has a few times during the game. So since the events of the mansion Umbrella has modified Tyrant and developed a thing called Nemisis that has one mission, and that's kill everything in order to get to Jill and all surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. I won't go too deep but I thought the story was solid. Simple in the end but this isn't a traditional narrative game and what's there is good. The world this story takes place in is gorgeous! Raccoon City isn't huge but it is big enough to be intimidating at first. A decent amount of buildings to explore and alleyways to get lost in. It always being night gives it a bit of a Batman: Arkham Knight vibe to it and I dug it. You do get out of the city and hey, it's a video game so there's a swer level, and it's a RE game so there's a hospital level. I won't spoil the other sections you go to in case you don't know but they are cool. I think this series in general always nails it's environments and this one does as well. A good mix of clear action scenes and creepy dark hallways.

I want to talk about the two characters you play as in this game and how well done I think they are. Let's start with Carlos. He comes off as a douche early on but he really grows on you and even when he says something that is questionable you can tell he's playing around and good hearted. Plus he has a hell of a mop on his head. He has one of the coolest sequences in the game in my opinion in the hospital fighting off waves of zombies. It's cool because you have hundreds of rounds for your assault rifle and you get to just lay into hundreds of zombies!

Let's talk about Jill. My God I think I'm in love with her! She comes off so natural and does the rare thing of feeling like a real person in a fantasy game. She has quick one liners and isn't interested in taking shit from anyone in this game and that includes Nemesis. She has the best line in the entire game when Nemesis comes running out of an ally on fire and falls into a river she says, "Bitch can't even swim", and it's amazing! God she's so good! I don't want to drop the cliche strong female character line on you but but that's exactly what she is. You can tell she's a vet and takes everything as it comes and tells it to fuck off as she shoots it with another fire grenade round. And by the end she is filled with so much vengeance and I hope we see her again in these RE remakes if they keep going.

So let's talk about gameplay a bit. It controls exactly like RE2 but each character has a dodge move and is cool. If you get a perfect dodge with Carlos he shoulder charges and punches an enemy, and Jill will slow down time to give you a free shot or two. Mastering these can be hard but worth the effort. You will use a ton of ammo in this game and it gives you a ton so you don't have to worry about running out. Even on the harder difficulties you get plenty. Nemesis is the big thing that makes this game different. I loved him! As much as I liked Mr. X in RE2, Nemesis would eat him and shit him out! He is fast and in your face when he's on the screen. I also like a good big bad that you fight a lot and see through the whole game and we got that in this game. Each boss fight is different and more intimidating than challenging but still cool.

I want talk about a few things before we call this good. I've heard A LOT of people complain about the length of this game and I get it, it's short. All RE games are pretty short though, maybe not this short but still not long. It took me around 7 hours to beat this game first time and there aren't any additional paths like in RE2 but there are a ton of difficulties. I get that more challenging modes isn't for everyone but I'm all about playing RE games on hard difficulties. So if you are only wanting to play it once I'd wait for a sale or Gamefly it or something. I also want to talk about people being letdown by Nemesis and wanting him to be more random like Mr. X was. I don't get this argument personally. You only see Nemesis in certain parts of this game, it's a lot of the time but still not random. The scenes with him are more intense than any encounter with Mr. X in my opinion. I liked that the two were different and felt like they were completely different threats. It makes sense that Nemesis wouldn't just go stomping around the city, he is stalking Jill and he's only gonna pounce when he knows he can do some damage. Mr. X just wondered around the police station needing gunfire or something to find you. Now I don't want to shit all over Mr. X, he was awesome and would F you up but in a different way. Also shoutout to the music in this game, it's amazing!

So I overall love this game! Shocking that my return to writing is me talking about a thing I liked but that's just who I am. I like to see what people were going for with things and this game was meant to be a Horror rollercoaster and it's exactly that! It also comes with a multiplayer mode attached as a separate game but I haven't played it much. It seems interesting but I'm not sure how much I'll play it. I'll say that if you loved RE2 and, like me, you want to get all the achievements/trophies for games like this then you will get your money out of it. If you think you may only play it once or twice then I'd wait for a sale. I'd be surprised if this wasn't on my top 10 of 2020 but you never know. Thanks for reading and I hope you're staying safe. Keep being you!
